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>【その他】を探す<ディズニー Disney US公式商品 ポスター アート 本 洋書 【英語】 [並行輸入品] Movie Posters Book グッズ ストア プレゼント ギフト 誕生日 人気●こちらの商品もいかがですか。
>【その他】を探す<●商品説明Disney movie posters have been an important part of the motion picture process. The Disney Movie Posters book is a tribute to the eye-catching artwork that has enticed the movie-going audience.SafetyMagic in the details Anyone who has ever seen a Disney movie knows that the iconic images are beautifully conveyed via the magnificent posters. The tone of the movie and the full range of emotions we experience in seeing the film are often captured in a single poster. After having seen and experienced a wonderful Disney motion picture, the mere sight of the poster can bring back the feelings of having taken the journey by watching the film. Disney Movie Posters is a tribute to those posters, which tell the story both before and after we see the movie. Disney movie posters have been an important part of the motion picture process since Disney began making motion pictures. Not only are they eye-catching pieces of artwork, they are also designed to entice the movie-going audience. From Steamboat Willie to Frozen and countless movies in between, Disney movie posters have been an important part of the films themselves. Disney shorts, animated movies, live-action movies and PIXAR movies can be remembered and honored by the posters that so efficiently capture the magic of the film.Written by Kevin LuperchioHardcover150 pagesAges 10 and up●仕様Published by Disney EditionsPaper36cm(高さ) x 28cm(幅)Printed in U.S.A.お届け時期:2-4週間後当商品は、取寄せのため【ご注文後に欠品、キャンセル】となる場合がございます。
レビュー件数 | 0 |
レビュー平均 | 0.0 |
ショップ | ビーマジカル楽天市場店 |
税込価格 | 10,405円 |